Products & Services

Associate Professor Annual support of $2000 or less to ensure the continuation of the program; name will be included...
Suggested Donation: $2,000
Dean This will be a sponsor who makes a multi-year commitment averaging $15,000 per annum. They will...
Suggested Donation: $15,000
Department Chair This will be a single sponsor per module, who makes a multi-year commitment of $10,000 per annum....
Suggested Donation: $10,000
Development Investor Annual support of averaging $9,000 to assist in the fees associated with the website and...
Suggested Donation: $10,000
Distinguished Professor Annual support averaging $7,500 that includes corporate logo on PBC pages and materials.
Suggested Donation: $7,500
Donate once to the School Help support booksellers by supporting The Professional Booksellers School. All donations help...
Suggested Donation: $50
Editorial Assistance In-kind assistance to review course material for publication. Editor to take course scripts and...
Suggested Donation: $0.01
Tenure Annual support averaging $5,000 to ensure the continuation of the program; corporate logo will be...
Suggested Donation: $5,000
Donate Monthly Help support booksellers by supporting The Professional Booksellers School. All donations help...
Suggested Donation: $65
Store Fundamentals Tools & Services Bundle This bundle pulls together classes that cover the most fundamental bookseller tools from our...
Member Price: $250
Special Orders Bundle Taking, ordering, receiving, and selling special orders is vital to a healthy, thriving bookstore!...
Member Price: $100
Store Fundamentals Inventory, Curation, & Layout Bundle This bundle of 5 classes pulls from 3 different PBS courses to help consider and reconsider...
Member Price: $250