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Restocking, Events, and Pubeasy

You can’t perpetually carry every book you’ve ever stocked. How do you decide what to restock and what to let go? How do you decide whether to restock through a wholesaler or the publisher? Do you have a workflow process that maximizes your time and your discount? Do you have a system for placing your event orders in a timely fashion? Do you know the best process for placing event or B2B orders? Are you taking advantage of the myriad publisher backlist promos to stock titles for your upcoming seasonal displays or backlist books for your upcoming author events at an extra discount? This session will include a presentation on Pubeasy by MVB, the company that operates the Pubeasy and Pubnet services, which enable booksellers to efficiently place electronic orders directly with publishers. 

You'll have 30 days to view this class.

PBS courses are supported by the Indie bookstore industry, and are intended only for owners and staff members at Independent Bookstores that are members of their regional trade associations and/or of the American Booksellers Association.

Member Price: $65